Saturday, May 16, 2015

K:missing Kings

I FINALLY WATCHE IT! DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG I'VE WAITED TO WATCH THIS MOVIE?! I waited for like 8 months to watch this. I have been wanting to watch this movie since I finished the anime the first time. Yes, I have watched the anime more than once. I have watched it twice and I plan to buy it some time. Missing Kings picks up right were the anime left off, but it's a year later. Shiro is still missing and the gold king is with him. The green king is somewhat introduced in this movie. The reason I say somewhat is because he's a bird the entire movie. The bird is just his familiar though. Its not like the green king is an actual bird, that would be really weird even for an anime. The green clan did kidnap Anna so she could track down the sliver king, Shiro. I think they have plans of killing him. I'm to sure, but I'm sure that will all be explained in the second season this fall. I look forward to Ks second season. I thinks it's going to be just as good as the first one.
I like how the movie picked up were the anime left off. It had some action, but I felt that it didn't have as much as the show. The show did have 13 episodes and the movie was only like an hour and a half. I don't remember how long the movie was. I was a little disappointed in Missing Kings. I expected so much out of it. I guess you could say that since I was waiting to watch this for so long that the expectations grew and grew. I wanted it to be as good as the anime. I did feel like the fan service was upped a little. As much as I love K and all that it has to offer, I hate the fan service in it. This is coming from some that watched Fairy Tail and that show is full of it. It's just something about the fan service in this show that bugs me.
Missing Kings does stay true to what the anime was all about. I like how they showed what happened to the red clan after they lost their king who was killed by the blue king. I hated that you didn't get to see a lot of Yata. I really like Yata so I wanted to see more of him. I do like that we get to see a little more of Anna though. Anna is like a princess to the red clan. Once it got toward the end I had a feeling that Anna was going to be the next king. It makes me think that she might be the first female king, because all the kings in the show are all male.
I can't remember, but did the colorless king die or is he still alive? I feel like he might still be alive. The ending of the anime was just all over the place for me. The red king died, Shiro went up against the colorless king, it was a full blown battle between the blue clan and the red clan. So much happed in the last few episodes, not to mention that Shiro remember that he's the sliver king. These are major spoilers for both the anime and the movie.
Going back to Missing Kings now, I liked how the music that was used in the movie was also used in the anime. I liked that they reused some of the music for the movie. The music for this movie fits it so well. If you to put the music for this movie in another movie or show it wouldn't work because it's something that can only be in K. K is the only show that can pull of this type of music. I can't really described the music, I can't really but into words. The only thing I can say is that maybe it seems laid back maybe. I feel like it is very unique to an anime movie and to an anime show.
K is an amazing anime show and K:Missing Kings is a must watch anime movie, but only watch it after you watch K. If you just watch Missing Kings than you're going to get lost and confused. I love K a lot and I wouldn't be lying by saying that it's my third favorite anime show. I need money to buy it! I really want to buy it! If you plan on watching it just remember that there is fan service, but every anime has fan service in it. Also if you plan on watching the Ks second season like me, you should watch K:Missing Kings first, because the second season will pick up where the movie left off.
Till next time.

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