Friday, May 22, 2015

Mekaku City Actors

This anime show is by far the most confusing show I have ever watched. I can normally figure things out as the show goes one, but I couldn't do that with Mekaku City Actors. The story was all over the place and everything happend in what seemed like a day. I think 12 episodes wasn't enough for the show. I should have been longer just so it could clear things up. Like the ending for example. That ending was not a good ending, not at all. If any thing that ending made me ten times more confused than I already was and to top it all off it was a read the manga ending. I'm not a big fan of Mekaku City actors, but for some odd reason I can't fully hate it. I liked it yet I hated it. I have a love-hate relationship with this show. It wouldn't be the first time I've felt this way about a show.
Mekaku City Actors is about these kids that can change their eye color to a bright, vibrent red. When their eye color changes that is when their true power shows. Every single one of them has a different power that has to deal with their eyes. I'll just leave off there because I don't know how to explain the rest of the story line. The story jumps around so much that I can't explain it with out spoilers, not like I do that. One thing I will mention is that once it gets to the ending you should either skip over it or listen to it, because they do a story about a monster and that helps explain some of the story. You if your like me were you just click done once it gets to the ending, you shouldn't do that with this show. It would be wise not to do that, just skip the ending if you have to. That little one, two minute story explains quit a bit.
The art style of this show was really cool, I liked it a lot. I found it be really unique and it might have been on of the few things about this show that kept me watching. I think it was the animation, the opening, and my curiosity. I also liked the characters, they were good characters, but I have seen better ones.
When I watched the first episode the thought that kept coming through my mind was, "What was this show about again?" I was confused from episode one, not a good sign. From that one episode it just went down hill from there and of course I can't say that I fully hated it. There were some good parts to the show, but I don't think it flowed the way that they intended it to. They gave each character an episode it seemed so that they could give you some background on them, but that some what fell flat.
The biggest issue I have with this show is the ending, like I said before it was the worst. Once the show finished I just stared at the screen confused. They left it off on such a bad way. Worst of all Ayano comes back to life, so your just like, "didn't you die?", to the screen. So she didn't die? She was a live the whole time? Mekaku City Actors really knows how to make you confused. It's been a week since I watched this and I'm stil confused. I think the only way to get unconfused is to read the manga. The only problem with that is that I didn't like the show enough to read it. Who knows though maybe I'll read it in the future when I get bored.
That's all I really got. If you like confusing anime shows, than this show is the show for you. :) One last thing Ene was my favorite character.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

The Technicians

This is such a good movie! I don't even know where to begin. The movie is about three guys who are really good at stealing things. They are so good that I still don't fully know how they pulled off stealing 150 million won. The movie is about them coming up working for this one business man who wants them to steal all this money. The hacker of the group is bribed by the business man because he knows that the hacker is known for betraying his partners. That actually isn't true it's just a rumor, but everyone believes it to be true. In the movie they robbed a jewelry store and my heart was pounding because I didn't want them to get caught. The same goes for when they final started to break into the safe that held all the money they were going to steal.
I loved that at the end of movie you learn that everything that happened was all planed, so literally every thing went according to plan. Everything was so thought out and I'm sure it took months to plan out. I'm just surprised that none of them went to jail. The business man and everyone that worked for him went to jail I believe. I loved that The Technicians kept you guessing throughout the whole movie. The movie as a whole was heart pounding. I loved every second of it. I really have nothing bad to say about it.
The acting in this movie was really good. I watched Kim Woo Bin in Heirs so I saw one show that he was in. I have only seen him act in Heirs and in this movie. I might have to check out more of his shows. This movie does not disappoint at all. I watched this movie twice, mostly so I could figure out the ending, it was just as good the second time as it was the first time. I still don't know how they pulled off the biggest heist ever. It went by so fast that I didn't have time to process it. I got some of it, but I'm still so confused about the money. I got everything else just not about the money. I wish they explained that a little better. It might just be me, who knows. I'm sure a lot of people got how they got away with the money.
There were some things that I wish could have gotten explained a little better. For example Woo Bins character got revenge on the business man, the man that hired them, because he had someone kill someone very dear to him. I wish they explained that a little better. They could have gone a little more in detail on some stuff, but that might have also gone away from what the movie was centered around, the big money heist.
If you love to watch action/suspense movies than this movie is one that you should check out. it has great characters and a good storyline. It also has a really good song in the movie called can't stop me and it's quit good. If I had money in my iTunes account I would buy it. That's all for now, see ya. Peace! :)

K:missing Kings

I FINALLY WATCHE IT! DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG I'VE WAITED TO WATCH THIS MOVIE?! I waited for like 8 months to watch this. I have been wanting to watch this movie since I finished the anime the first time. Yes, I have watched the anime more than once. I have watched it twice and I plan to buy it some time. Missing Kings picks up right were the anime left off, but it's a year later. Shiro is still missing and the gold king is with him. The green king is somewhat introduced in this movie. The reason I say somewhat is because he's a bird the entire movie. The bird is just his familiar though. Its not like the green king is an actual bird, that would be really weird even for an anime. The green clan did kidnap Anna so she could track down the sliver king, Shiro. I think they have plans of killing him. I'm to sure, but I'm sure that will all be explained in the second season this fall. I look forward to Ks second season. I thinks it's going to be just as good as the first one.
I like how the movie picked up were the anime left off. It had some action, but I felt that it didn't have as much as the show. The show did have 13 episodes and the movie was only like an hour and a half. I don't remember how long the movie was. I was a little disappointed in Missing Kings. I expected so much out of it. I guess you could say that since I was waiting to watch this for so long that the expectations grew and grew. I wanted it to be as good as the anime. I did feel like the fan service was upped a little. As much as I love K and all that it has to offer, I hate the fan service in it. This is coming from some that watched Fairy Tail and that show is full of it. It's just something about the fan service in this show that bugs me.
Missing Kings does stay true to what the anime was all about. I like how they showed what happened to the red clan after they lost their king who was killed by the blue king. I hated that you didn't get to see a lot of Yata. I really like Yata so I wanted to see more of him. I do like that we get to see a little more of Anna though. Anna is like a princess to the red clan. Once it got toward the end I had a feeling that Anna was going to be the next king. It makes me think that she might be the first female king, because all the kings in the show are all male.
I can't remember, but did the colorless king die or is he still alive? I feel like he might still be alive. The ending of the anime was just all over the place for me. The red king died, Shiro went up against the colorless king, it was a full blown battle between the blue clan and the red clan. So much happed in the last few episodes, not to mention that Shiro remember that he's the sliver king. These are major spoilers for both the anime and the movie.
Going back to Missing Kings now, I liked how the music that was used in the movie was also used in the anime. I liked that they reused some of the music for the movie. The music for this movie fits it so well. If you to put the music for this movie in another movie or show it wouldn't work because it's something that can only be in K. K is the only show that can pull of this type of music. I can't really described the music, I can't really but into words. The only thing I can say is that maybe it seems laid back maybe. I feel like it is very unique to an anime movie and to an anime show.
K is an amazing anime show and K:Missing Kings is a must watch anime movie, but only watch it after you watch K. If you just watch Missing Kings than you're going to get lost and confused. I love K a lot and I wouldn't be lying by saying that it's my third favorite anime show. I need money to buy it! I really want to buy it! If you plan on watching it just remember that there is fan service, but every anime has fan service in it. Also if you plan on watching the Ks second season like me, you should watch K:Missing Kings first, because the second season will pick up where the movie left off.
Till next time.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

The Basketball which Kuroko plays

Kurokos basketball is the second sports anime I
have watched. This show was originally one my list that my friend gave me when I first started watching anime. At the time I thought that I wouldn't really like a sports anime. I thought that they wouldn't be that good. I was wrong and I will admit to that. The first sports anime I watched was a show based on volleyball. After watching that show I decide to give The Basketball which Kuroko plays a try. All I have to say is why did I watch this earlier?! I really should have watched it earlier.
Kurokos basketball is a show about basketball, it's about teamwork, friendship etc. A year before the anime takes place the Teiko middle school basketball team had 5 really strong players. Those 5 players were known as the Generation of Miracles. There is Akashi, Aomine, Murasakibara, Midorima, and Kise. They were known as the Generation of Miracles. There was actually another member that the prodigies acknowledged and that person was Kuroko. Kuroko is that main character of the show. As the show goes on you see how Seirin, the school that Kuroko went to, gets stronger. They lost against Aomine in the inter high, but they trained harder and came back for the winter cup. They trained so they could become the best in Japan and beat the Generation of Miracles. They had motivation from their loss against Aomine, who doubled their score. You see Seirin High go up against the Generation of Miracles and the games are never easy. They are always really close. All the members on the Seirin basketball team evolve with each game. That is especially true for Kagami. Kagami is one of the few players that can go up against a member of the Generation of Miracles. He might be the only normal player that can play against them and hold his own. If he didn't go back to Japan than the only people that could beat one of the prodigies would be another prodigy.
Every time that Seirin goes into a game they always seem to struggle in the beginning. They always manage to make it through the game through. It may be tough but they do it. When ever they play against one of the Generation of Miracles it's always so close. Kurokos basketball is a really good show about friendship and teamwork. You can't win a game without teamwork. This show also has a ton of anime logic. A lot of the stuff that happens in the games that they play can only be considered anime logic. For example Midorima, he can make 100% of his shots. He can make them as far back as the other end of the court. You can't make 100% of your shorts in really life, some people can't even make a half court shot and if you can make one you can't make one every time. Another example would be Kurokos misdirection. This might be possible in real life, but I really doubt it. The fact that he can make himself invisible is something. He evolves his misdirection to a vanishing drive and than he's able to score and make the ball "disappear". There are so many forms to his misdirection. Oh yeah there is also his Overflow. That's another story.
One thing that I thought was really unique was that the author of the manga gave each member of the Generation of Miracles a name that had a color in it. Akashi has aka in his name which means red. Aomine has ao in his name which means blue. Murasakibara has murasaki in his name which means purple. Midorima has midorii which means green. And last but not least Kise, Kise has yellow as part of his name, kirro. He only has the first two letters though. And finally we have the one and only Kuroko, kuro which means black is part of his name. I think its really cool to do something like that and not only did the author also matched their hair color to their name. Kuroko is the only exception to that though.
I am going to be a fan girl and say one thing. Why does Akashi have to look so hot in this picture?! If only he kept the long hair! The picture shows 5 along with Kuroko. I have only watched the first two seasons and I am currently watching the third season. I know that the third season is still airing and like the other two seasons I'm sure it will get 25 episodes. If I get a read the manga ending I am so going to read the manga. I would just have to find the chapter that the anime left off one. I hope I don't have to go through with that.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

You are the best Lee Soon Shin review

You are the best was the first Korean drama I watched. I watched this show a year ago so I have been watching K-dramas for a full year now. Since I watched You are the best, I have watched like 35 other shows. That also includes movies. This is a 50 episode show and I watched it in like 2 weeks. This show is all about family and the struggles that everyone one of the characters go through.
Within the first episodes Lee Soon Shin(main character) and her family loss their dad. Soon Shins family ends up with no money. To make matter worse, Soon Shin was scouted to be an actress by this powerful CEO. It was later reveled that it was a fraud and all the money that they paid to the conman they were never going to see again. Soon Shin is the type of character that can't hold a job for very long and relays on her family. She doesn't want to relay on her family anymore than she has to, but she has no choice. Yoo Shin(the middle sister) hates Soon Shin. As I was watching this show I really couldn't stand Yoo Shin. The way that she treated her little sister really mad me mad. I really wanted to tell her that she was her sister and there was nothing she could do about it so she should suck it up and live with it. Hye Shin(oldest sister) really loved Soon Shin. She was a true sister to her. I think that Yoo Shin is the problem child of the whole family. She blames Soon Shin for their fathers death for like the entire show. Soon Shin had nothing to do with it at all. To me Yoo Shin was always trying to find a away to blame Soon Shin for something. It got old really fast.
In the mist of all the family drama Soon Shin actually meets up with the real CEO that the conman was impersonating and signs a contract with him. So from than on you see her struggles with trying to make it as an actress. Seeing Soon Shin blossom into this beautiful actress is really amazing. She really does have a talent for it. Spoiler: Soon Shin is not actually related to her family at all. Her dad took her in because her biological mother(Song Mi Ryung) didn't want her. There were some many times throughout the show that I wanted to kill Mi Ryung.
This show had me clenching my fits and it made me feel really tenses. I don't really know how to describe it. It was like when you watch a show that you like but every time you see characters that you hate and you see them doing what they know is wrong but they do it anyways. So you end up wanting to pull out your hair. I don't think that helped explain it at all. I think you get the idea. Since watching this show there has only been a couple shows that made me want to rip my hair out of my head. Some people would think I'm insane for liking shows that make me go through something like that. To me when you have dramas like You are the best Lee Soon Shin they are one the best. They get you involved in the show. Each episode gets better and better. Not all shows are like You are the best, thank God for that one. If all dramas were like this one I don't think I could handle it. I like dramas like this one, but I don't think I could watch show after show of hair pulling moments.
This show also has its really sweet moments too. They made me feel so happy. What I liked so much about this show is that it's about a family that goes through so many hardships. You see them grow stronger and they never really lose sense of themselves. I am really proud to say that You are the best Lee Soon Shin was my first ever k-drama. I don't think I would recommend this show it be your first kdrama if you are thinking about watching a drama. I would watch a lighter show like Modern Farmer or coffee prince. On a side note I am so excited that IU, who play Soon Shin, is making drama comeback in Producers. I can't for the show. She will be reunited with Kim Soo Hyun on the small screen! They were in Dream High together. Also does any one listen to the k-pop boy band BTS? They made their comeback last week with I need U and I can't stop listening to it along with their new mini album. I will now leave off with a lyric from I need U by BTS, caused I am obsessed with it.  
Jebal jom kkeojyeo huh
Mianhae (I hate u)
Saranghae (I hate u)
I need you girl
Wae honja saranghago honjaseoman ibyeolhae
I need you girl
Wae dachil geol almyeonseo jakku niga piryohaeI’m sorry I hate u
 (I love you I hate u
Forgive me
I need you girl
Why am I in love alone, why am I hurting alone
I need you girl
Why do I keep needing you when I know I’ll get hurt?) in case you want English     

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Another review

This anime show was the very first one that I watched. Another was the show that got into anime. It wasn't the show that got me obsessed about it though. I became obsessed with anime months after I started watching it. The show that holds the title of getting obsessed with anime goes to none other than Bleach. I have my best friend to thank for getting me into this fandom.
Another is a lesser known show and I think it should be more popular than what it is. The show is about a cursed class, class 3-C. Here's the creepy background to the show. 26 years ago a boy named Misaki suddenly passed away. He was very popular. His classmates refused to believe that he was dead. So one day one of the students of 3-C said, "Misakis not dead, he's right there." The rest of the class went with it along with the teacher. When it came time for graduation they set a chair for Misaki and when they took their class picture Misaki was in the picture. From that year on class 3-C had an extra person. The extra person was dead, but they aren't aware that they are dead. What happens to this class is that every month someone will die. Someone that has relations to the class will die. Which means once it starts your aren't safe, your parents and siblings aren't safe either. Someone dies every month. It doesn't happen every year, but there is no real way to make it stop forever.
When I first watched this show I didn't find it all that scary, the same goes for the second time I watched it. I watched this show three times and the third time I watched it I was kind of scared. I don't know why, but the idea of a story like this is scary. This show is based on the novel I believe. There is also a manga based on the novel. I've read the manga and I really want to read the novel. When I read the manga was still terrified. I think it's the idea of having a cursed class and knowing that you could die some twisted, disgusting way. I will say this a lot of the deaths that happen in this show are censored. They are not pretty deaths. If there is one thing I learned from this show,from the three times I've watched it, is that you never run down stairs with an umbrella with a pointy end. I don't think I have to go into detail.
With this show it is important to try to have some light hearted moments. This show has some light hearted characters that help lighten up the show. It's really nice to have characters that make you laugh in shows like Another. Cause Another is a horror anime. I've watched my fair share of horror animes, like Mirai Nikki(future diary) and Shiki. There are some others in there but I'm not going to name them. Comparing this show to the other horror anime shows I think this one is the most terrifying. Mirai Nikki was just twisted and insane. That show mad me scared of Yuno. I swear if I ever meet a girl with pink hair named Yuno I will run away as fast as I can. If that doesn't work out I will try my best to not get on her bad side. It will all make sense if you watch that show.
Going back to Another I didn't like that they had a blood bath at the very end. I'm going to give away the ending, because besides it being a horror anime it is also a mystery type show. They keep you guessing who the extra person is until the very end. This show kept me interested till the very end. I am proud to say that this was my first anime show. This was also the show that got me a whole list of anime shows to watch curtsey of my best friend. Three years after getting into anime I only watched a couple shows off that list. After a while you find your own shows. Another is a show that I am for sure going to buy, because I love it some much and I've already watched it three times. I'm sure I will watch it a fourth, fifth, and a sixth time. There are so many anime shows I want to buy but I only have so much money. Not to mention I'm still trying to buy all the Pandora Hearts manga. If you love horror anime and you haven't watched Another yet, watch it. You won't regret it. One last thing, there's a rumor that the story is based on a true story. That is untrue, the story as a whole is a work of fiction. When I read that it was a true story I was scared out of my mind than I found out that it's not so I was all better. The idea of this story is freighting enough, I don't need it to be a real thing. One last thing that I want to say. Thank you to all of you guys that are reading my blog. It means a lot to me. I've been thinking about doing something like this for over a year it seems like, so it feels nice knowing that people are reading my blog. If you have any shows that you want me to review let me know in the comments. Peace.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Modern Farmer review

Modern Farmer is one of the funniest dramas I've ever watched. It gets a little serious for a few episodes and lose some of its funniness but not completely. The show is based on a Min Ki getting inheriting land and bribing his former band mates of the idea of growing cabbage to make an album. It's Min Ki's dream to make an album and after getting all this land he thinks why not sell it. He wouldn't get that much from selling it so He decided to grow cabbage instead. He thought it would be a quick buck and farming would be easy. He gathered all his band mates and off they went to start farming. The minute they  step foot in that farming town the comedy starts.
When I watched this show I swear there were times when my eyes started watering. I would be laughing so hard and it was mostly because of Min Ki. Hong Ki did a really good job of playing the character that is Min Ki. If anyone else played him it wouldn't be as funny. I normally watch romance type dramas with a lot of drama so this was a nice break. It was nice to be able to watch a show with less drama. It still had drama but not as much as the shows I normally watch. I was watching Boarding House No.24 as I was watching this show. they were both airing at the same time just on different days. Comedy wise Modern Farmer was a lot better. Boarding House was still funny. So if you liked Modern Farmer or plan on watching it you should also check out Boarding House. Ken from VIXX is in it! Going back to Modern Farmer. In this show you get to see all the fails that Min Ki and the bad go through trying to farm cabbage. Their fails are pretty awesome. They have to have help form everyone in the town. They know nothing about farming.
The town that this show is based in is Min Kis childhood home. He lived there for a while than he moved away to Seoul where he became a singer. What I loved the most was the last episode. In the end they raised enough money to make an album that bombed really badly. So in the last episode they go back to the very beginning. Min Ki gathers everyone once again to make an album. So in the end they learned nothing. This show is full of idiot characters that some how manage to make it through life. I am going to re-watch this show sometime in the near future. It might be a while because I want to focus on anime for a while. I've been watching to many dramas lately. I'm going to warp it up here cause I'm tired. BTW the main song for this show When love comes is an amazing song. I liked it some much that when ever it would play I would sing along to it. If you want a light show to watch with some good comedy you should check out this show. I can guaranty that you won't be disappointed at all.