Saturday, July 18, 2015

Fairy Tail

If you are an otaku, like me, than you know that FT is one of the most popular anime shows/manga right now. Fairy Tail is all about family and sticking together through thick and thin. For some people FT might to long a show for them, but if you take the time to watch it you will realize that it is a fantastic show. I first watched FT two years ago when it had 175 episodes. I watched it in a week or two. I can't really member. Once I finished the anime I picked up the manga and started reading that. I started with the chapter where the anime left off on. Before you judge me for watching the anime and only reading the manga from where the anime left off from, let me say this. I did actually did read all of the FT manga, just not right away. When I found out that FT was getting picked up again for another season, last year I was so happy. When the first trailer was released I watched that thing so many times. I love that they upgraded the animation. I like the newer animation than the older animation.
Now like all long running anime shows there is a ridiculous number of characters in FT. The list keeps growing too. You would think that with as many characters as this show has that it would affect the show, but it really doesn't. If anything it adds more variety and depth to the plot. Not to mention that some how some of the characters are connected. An example of this would be Natsu and Zeref. Fairy Tail never fails to surprise me. The arcs do get a little long at times. That is mainly because it's a weekly manga and they tend to be about 20 pages or so.
FT has very unique characters. I'll focus on a few of the main characters. Natsu is all about protecting his FT family, he tends to go a little over broad when it comes to fighting. He once destroyed part of a town! Okay, he destroyed a lot of things, that's just what he's like. Natsu has never been one to back down from a fight no matter who it is or how strong they are, cause Natsu will always will beat them. Lucy is I think is the only real "normal" character in this series. She keeps Natsu, Gray and Erza all in check. She can be a little big-headed at times, but that what makes a good match for Natsu. I'm a NaLu shipper. Gray is a guy that can't keep his clothes on. He is constantly stripping, because it's a habit of his from when he was training to be an ice mage. Erza, don't ever touch her cake. If you do you are sure to die, oh and she is one of the strongest FT mages. I know those aren't good descriptions, but I've been all that good at describing things. Sorry.
FT is one of my fav. anime show, mostly because it never fails to surprise me. I am actually behind on the anime, but I did read the latest chapter. The latest FT arc is so good right now. I can't wait for the next chapter. When you put Zeref in it makes for a good story. I still don't know whether I should hate Zeref or not. He's kind of in between, I guess. While FT does fall short for me sometimes, it is still a good show to watch. Yes, it is a long running show, but that shouldn't mean you shouldn't watch it. I was unsure if I watched to watch it because I watched Bleach and that has 366 episodes. I wasn't sure if I wanted to watch another really long show. When I started it, I didn't regret a thing. Am I going to watch another really long show again, I'm not sure. I don't think I will, but never say never.
That's all I got for Fairy Tail. Till next time. Bye.

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