I'm sorry that I haven't written this past week. I've been busy with my finales, but now I'm on summer vacation! YAY! Sly and Single again aka Cunning Single Lady is a show that doesn't mess around. Right away with episode one you want to cry. This was the first show that I've watched that made me want to cry during the first episode. This show doesn't mess around when it comes to emotions, it jumps right into it.
A little background to the story. Ae Ra and Jung Woo used to be married but Jung Woo quite his job to start a business. Ae Ra had to take one a number of jobs just to support them. As time went on she sends up filing for divorce. They went their separate ways and end up meeting a few years later. The first episode focuses one when they were newly weds to when she filed for divorce. Jung Woo ends up with a successful business so he is now rich. As the show goes one you find out more as to why Ae Ra divorced him. The main reason why she left him was because she was pregnant, but she was working pretty much not stop so she ended up losing the baby. When she lost the baby that was the end for her, she couldn't take it anymore. She never told Jung Woo about the baby either, so he never knew the full reason as to why she left him.
This show really knows how to attack your emotions. I swear one moment your all happy and than the next moment you need a tissue. This show brought tears to my eyes so many times that I lost count. You could tell that even though Ae Ra and Jung Woo said that they hated each other, you could tell that they still really loved each other. They would both get so jealous. Sly and Single again may be a more serious show, but it still has its funny, light-hearted moments too. This show brings its own type of humor. I do have to say that I was happy to see L from infinite in this show. I loved L in My Loveable Girl. I still wish that L got the girl in that show, they were just a better fit. Putting that show aside, L was really good in this show.
He needs more acting roles, just saying. Sly and Single has been on my list of shows to watch for the longest time and I am glad that I finally watched it. As I was watching this show I was thinking that it wouldn't leave an empty feeling, I was wring about that. I was going to start re-watching Gosick today, but I just couldn't do it. It might take me a while till I can pick up another show. Sly and Single again had a really good ending to it. It had a good ending to it but I still want more. I want a second season! Give me season two!!!!! It's really funny how a lot of anime shows get two seasons, but it's rare for an anime to have three or more season unless it's really popular. Than you get to k-dramas and you only get one season and like no hope for a second one. I find it to be quite sad really. Does anyone else find it sad, or is it just me? I would really recommend this show if you need a good cry. I my opinion its not the best romance show I've watched, but it was still good.